
Composable Commerce

Composable commerce is all about flexibility and performance. It lets brands and retailers handpick the best technologies to create a high-performing digital storefront and back-end services like content management systems (CMS) and payment gateways, offering the agility to adapt and scale. With a modular approach, composable commerce means you're no longer locked into one platform—your tech stack evolves with your needs.

A Trusted Partner for Composable Commerce Success

At Red Van, we've spent over a decade partnering with leading brands to craft powerful, interconnected commerce solutions. With our deep experience and a culture rooted in innovation, we're the ideal partner for brands ready to transition from a traditional monolithic platform to a composable architecture. From strategic planning to ongoing innovation, our multidisciplinary teams are with you at every step, ensuring you unlock the performance, flexibility, and financial benefits a composable architecture offers.
Set Your Vision

Red Van works closely with your internal team to set your goals for composable commerce. Ensuring you gain better performance, greater flexibility, and more control over your commerce platform is essential as we jointly plan to build a powerful, modern commerce solution.

Develop with Precision

Crafting a composable commerce solution can be complex. With roots as a development shop, Red Van is equipped for custom development and extensive integrations that composable demands. An iterative development approach frees us to deliver value quickly and get you to market faster.

Architect Your Platform

We assess your current state and design a future state that delivers the value promised by a composable architecture. Select components from your existing infrastructure and choose best-of-breed technologies to build out your platform. Our hard-won experience working across the commerce tech stack uniquely positions us to advise on technologies that make an impact.

Innovate Continuously

With pillars of modularity, interoperability, and flexibility, composable commerce is always evolving. Traditional site launches are replaced by continuous innovation — adding and enhancing technologies incrementally to gain an edge. Red Van’s insight empowers you to innovate confidently and provide the most compelling commerce experience.

Ready to get started?